Anyone who travels knows that refuge on the road is a precious thing, but what struck me about Mike is that he didn't just take refuge and move on. He dug in his heels and got to work, setting into motion an enterprise that will impact the lives of kids and the communities they live in far into the future.
Mike told me that WRF invests in the local community by hiring local contractors and craftsmen.
“We’ve had lots of people [from the US] who want to volunteer,” Mike said. “The thought is fantastic and we’d love to have it, but what we’re doing is creating jobs within the community.”
It takes longer to build a school this way, he said, but “we want the school to continue to thrive, and we want the people around to be involved and proud of it, because that way it will hopefully have a better chance of survival.”
World Riders Foundation built their first school, which includes dormitories, classrooms, and a kitchen (The Boda Boda Project, shown here) at an orphanage in Uganda.